From Brotato Wiki
This content is part of the Abyssal Terrors DLC.
Chainsaw is a weapon that can be bought from the Shop. Weapons are primary damage dealers and most Characters can hold up to 6 weapons.
Chainsaw is a Melee Weapon. Melee weapons have two different attack types, thrust and swing, both are capable of hitting multiple enemies. Melee weapons' Range only increases or decreases by half the amount of your Range stat. The attack speed of melee weapons depends on their range. Increasing the range slightly decreases the Attack Speed, but increases the area hit by the weapon. Negative range has the inverse effect.
Chainsaw has the Weapon Class(es) of: Blade, Tool.
Weapons in the same class gain bonuses, and are more likely to be found in the Shop.
Class | Bonuses | Weapons |
Blade | (2)+1 Melee Damage 1% Life Steal (3)+2 Melee Damage 2% Life Steal (4)+3 Melee Damage 3% Life Steal (5)+4 Melee Damage 4% Life Steal (6)+5 Melee Damage 5% Life Steal |
Tool | (2)+1 Engineering (3)+2 Engineering (4)+3 Engineering (5)+4 Engineering (6)+5 Engineering |
Chainsaw is quite a unique weapon. It has triple scaling, it has to reload, and it deals Health Percent Damage.
It is also the only Tool weapon that doesn't spawn structures. It can be a way from engineering builds to deal damage. A character like Dwarf that ends up with a ton of Engineering and Melee Damage can deal great damage with Chainsaw. The life steal scaling also makes it an interesting choice for lifesteal based characters like
Sick or
The Chainsaw has to reload every time it has attacked 30/40 times. The reload time is 1.83s/1.52s and scales with Attack Speed.
Health Percent Damage
And finally it has a special ability to deal Health Percent Damage on each hit, making it a great weapon for slicing up Elites and Bosses.
Cannot be modified
You cannot increase the damage done by HP%DMG. It isn't modified by anything.
The Damage dealt by HP%DMG isn't increased by % Damage, or multiplied by Critical Hits. It isn't increased by Silver Bullet, or
Small Fish.
When Cursed, the HP%DMG damage effect is multiplied by the Curse boost. So 10%/1% (Regular/Elite) damage per hit can be increased all the way to 21%/2.1%. Note that the 10 to 1 ratio between damage to regular enemies and damage to elite/bosses is kept.
Update History
- Added to the Game.